What I do

By working in rural and urban environments, I utilize various methodologies from design, systems, and futures thinking to create opportunities for innovation and transformation.


I design Strategies, Workshops, Artifacts, Installations, sometimes Platforms, and back-in-the-day non-digital Products.


I do qualitative research Studies with mixed methods, from in-person or remote interviews to games to workshops and observations. I support organizations and individuals in the various stages of the Design process – from exploration to assessment.


I do workshops on innovation, design, and futures. As a trained futurist I spread futures thinking by doing workshops, writing, and sharing – these include Future Vision for organizations, support in design challenges, and consulting projects.

How I make sense… SensemakingGGB

I take a systemic approach to complex problems in which the solution can take various forms. A set of practices and methods, a toolkit to make sense of the world. An iterative process where I focus on who, how and most importantly why? This with the whole purpose of discovering opportunities to improve the system and create value!

sensemaking process

I’m always looking for opportunities to collaborate on projects that have a positive impact – those related to social and environmental change. Get in touch!